Personal Training Sessions Designed Just For You!

It is not just elite athletes and sports people that benefit from Extrafit’s expertise, we have also worked extensively with busy executives, housewives and househusbands, the older generation, pre and postnatal mothers, those returning from injury, as well as individuals preparing for a big event whether it is their first marathon, a wedding day or climbing Kilimanjaro.

Extrafit combines a friendly, supportive attitude, with up-to-date knowledge of the latest appropriate exercises and equipment. We believe in a  “whole-body” holistic approach, which balances fitness training with an active lifestyle, nutritional advice and sports therapy where appropriate.


Extrafit offers you all you need to achieve your health and fitness goals.

  • FOCUS: we focus on your individual needs and goals, whatever your age, background and lifestyle, designing a programme that will stimulate and inspire you.
  • COMMITMENT: you know we will be there! Book your sessions and you have made your personal commitment to get fit.
  • CONVENIENCE: we can come to you whether it be your home, office or local gym. We are fully equipped, so all you must do is get ready and get started!
  • VARIETY: you need a programme you enjoy. We can include aerobics, weights, jogging, core stability, resistance, boxercise, remedial & sports massage and much more.

Everyone’s Personal Training needs are different. We will work with you to tailor our services to your needs. Contact Extrafit today to discuss your needs and goals.