your overall health in a snapshot
health screening & fitness assessments
Our tests aren’t just for serious athletes, you could be an individual who enjoys exercising and staying fit – yet, marathons and competitive events just aren’t your thing. Extrafit’s 360° fully comprehensive health check, overall health assessment and health check snapshot are designed to give you a full picture of your current health, so any causes for concern such as fatigue, or niggling ailments can be evaluated – and any adjustments to nutrition, or exercise routines can be made to ensure you are at your optimum health and fitness.
Why might you want your
overall health assessed?
- Have you been feeling fatigued or light headed after exercising?
- Tired or lethargic the minute you wake up?
- Short of breath walking up the stairs?
- Experiencing joint pain, or discomfort after a short walk?
- Concerned because heart disease runs in your family?
At the Extrafit clinic, we offer a range of health screening and fitness assessments to help you be the best version of you that you can possibly be. After all, we believe health is wealth.

For a snapshot of your overall health, including your risk of heart disease.
You will be required to visit our clinic for at least 45 minutes for us to conduct the following tests.
- Blood Pressure, Resting Pulse & 10-Year QRisk3 Heart Score
- Full Lung Function Test (MVV, PEF, FVC, FEV1.0)
- Blood Tests Screening for Anaemia (Haemoglobin & Haematocrit), Cholesterol (TCL & HDL) & Pre-Diabetes (HbA1C)
- Detailed Report & Follow Up Advice
Extrafit's Health Check Snapshot costs just £110.
A more detailed look into your overall health, including your risk of heart disease.
Please note that you will be required to visit our clinic for at least 1.5 hours for us to conduct the following tests.
- Blood Pressure, Resting Pulse & 10-Year QRisk3 Heart Score
- Resting Metabolic Rate Test & Nutritional Feedback
- Full Lung Function Test (MVV, PEF, FVC, FEV1.0)
- Body Composition
- Blood Tests Screening for Anaemia (Haemoglobin & Haematocrit), Cholesterol (TCL & HDL) & Pre-Diabetes (HbA1C)
- Full Musculoskeletal Assessment
- Detailed Report & Follow Up Advice
Extrafit's Overall Health Assessment costs just £170.
For a full overall assessment of your health, including your risk of heart disease.
Please note that you will be required to visit our clinic for at least 2.5 hours for us to conduct the following tests.
- Blood Pressure, Resting Pulse & 10-Year QRisk3 Heart Score
- Treadmill or Bike Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test (optional sub-Max or Maximal)
- Resting Metabolic Rate Test & Nutritional Feedback
- Full Lung Function Test (MVV, PEF, FVC, FEV1.0)
- Body Composition
- Blood Tests Screening for Anaemia (Haemoglobin & Haematocrit), Cholesterol (TCL & HDL) & Pre-Diabetes (HbA1C)
- Full Musculoskeletal Assessment
- Detailed Report & Follow Up Advice
Extrafit's 360° Fully Comprehensive Health Check costs just £340.
Can you tell me more about what each test entails?
Blood pressure is the force at which your heart pumps blood around the body and is resisted by the blood vessels. The results of this test indicate heart function ability and the health condition of your heart.
Resting pulse rate is a good indicator of the efficiency of your heart and cardiovascular system, with an average human being between 60-80 BPM and well trained athletes closer to 40 BPM.
QRISK3 tests collate data from many aspects of your lifestyle and compares it to a database created by UK National Health and many GPs data to provide a score which can indicate the risk of a stroke or heart attack developing within the next 10 years.
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing is a type of exercise stress test which provides important clinical data on your aerobic capacity, blood pressure responses, heart rate and other exertional symptoms of the body. As well as being indicators of fitness, this test can offer insight into underlying health issues previously unknown to the participant.
Resting metabolic rate is the number of calories burned while your body is at total rest, often expressed in kCal/day. Your RMR is important to understand as it typically accounts for the largest portion of the body’s total energy needs. Your RMR decreases approximately 0.01 Kcal/min for each additional 1% of body fat, which is why balanced nutrition is so important to maintain a healthy body fat percentage.
Lung Function Tests, also known as Pulmonary Function Tests measure multiple areas of the lungs abilities including the lungs rates of flow, volume, capacity and gas exchange. The results of these tests can highlight if underlying issues exist or just give an indication of the current ability of your lungs compared to a population norm.
A Body Composition Test is a useful tool for knowing some of the body’s vital statistics, which include a breakdown of overall mass between muscle tissue, bone, essential and non-essential fat and also other things such as organs. This assessment is a great way to monitor the progress of a fitness program or dietary plan.
Blood test screening for anaemia using a Complete Blood Count Test is a vital test to measure many parts of the blood. One of which is Haemoglobin which is an Iron-rich protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen around the body, with that oxygen being necessary to turn carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy.
Blood screening for Cholesterol levels also known as a Lipid Panel or Lipid Profile is a blood test that measures the amount of Cholesterol and Triglycerides in your blood. High levels of Cholesterol in the blood can cause a build up in arteries, increasing the risk of strokes and heart attacks.
A HbA1C test is a blood test that measures your average blood glucose levels for the last two to three months. The results of this test show whether you could be diabetic (above 48 mmol/mol), pre-diabetic (42-47 mmol/mol) or within the healthy accepted range (below 42mmol/mol).
A Full Musculoskeletal Assessment includes inspecting the symmetry of the joints, muscles and bones, checking for inflammation and ease of movement, range of motion, strength, popping, clicking or cracking joints and any limitations you may have in your body’s movement.
Thanks to thorough testing, I now know my aerobic and lactate thresholds are too close, meaning too high a heart rate can push me over into serious gastric discomfort. We have changed my training zones and indeed diet in a big way and I’m sure this will help immensely.
Something only Tim’s precise testing could have shown!"