Calling All Motivated Cyclists !
We’re offering cyclists a comprehensive program of physiological testing and health assessment. This includes VO2MAX and Lactate Profile Testing to establish key thresholds and training zones, Metabolic Efficiency testing to investigate carbohydrate and fat utilisation at different intensities as well as ongoing coaching and nutritional consultancy, all within a private clinic in south Hampshire.
At Extrafit we’re passionate about getting you to the absolute top of your game! And we have 20 years experience of working with a range of athletes and sports people including runners, adventure racers, racing drivers, triathletes, and many more!
Our Complete Cyclist Performance Physiology package includes information crucial for setting your optimum training thresholds, ensuring you have the right nutrients, and provides measured results for you to reach the top of your physical game.
The Complete Cyclist Performance Physiology Package costs just £375.00.

What's included in your package?
In order to complete the tests we will need to see you twice in the studio. Each visit will take around 2 hours. Following your final visit you will receive your personal report with a detailed analysis of your health & current performance and recommended training thresholds and adjustments.
We will be conducting the following tests in order to provide an overall assessment:-
✔️ Cycle Ergometer VO2MAX & Lactate Test incl. Thresholds & Training Zones.
✔️ Cycling Anaerobic Strength & Power Analysis.
✔️ Cycle Ergometer Metabolic Efficiency & Resting Metabolic Rate Test.
✔️ Blood Pressure, Resting Pulse & 10-Year QRisk3 Heart Score.
✔️ Full Lung Function Test (MVV, PEF, FVC, FEV1.0).
✔️ Body Composition.
✔️ Blood Tests Screening for Anaemia (Haemoglobin & Haematocrit), Cholesterol (TCL & HDL) & Pre-Diabetes (HbA1C).
✔️ Full Musculoskeletal Assessment.
✔️ Detailed Report & Follow Up Consultation.